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Writing Task2 Topic - Education and Crime


Writing Task Outline

Despite his young age
Despite his young age

Writing Task2 Topic - towns and cities

squares [skweəz]
squares [skweəz]

Speaking Part1 - Flat, live, neighbourhood (although..as..while)

  1. What’s your flat or house like?
  2. Who do you live with?
  3. Do you like your neighbourhood?

the large windows give you the impression that it’s much bigger

Writing Task2 Topic - Edu (建议类)


Speaking - Describe an exciting book (待研究)

1. suit 2. pants 3. sweater 4. handbag 5. collar 6. recommend something to me
1. suit 2. pants 3. sweater 4. handbag 5. collar 6. recommend something to me

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Writing Task2 Topic - Crime (绝对词类)


Speaking - Traveling by Car

Let's talk about traveling by car
Let's talk about traveling by car

Speaking Part3 - 5 questions

Read the sentences below. Which ones do you agree with?

1. everyone should try to use public transportation

I agree and disagree because in some countries with high population density I agree with this because driving causes road congestion and is prone[prōn] to traffic accidents

But in some countries with very low population density, I think driving is also a good way

Writing Task2 - 丸子tinateena 最强指导

  1. address all issues 解决所有问题
  2. entirely on topic 完全在主题上
  3. One idea one paragraph
  4. PEEP: point, elaboration, example, point


雅思寫作 Task 2 得分技巧

① 掌握雅思写作备考体系:底层思维逻辑 + 语料素材积累
② 学习范文
③ 练习真题
④ 获得反馈
⑤ 总结和复习笔记

雅思写作Task 2(大作文)备考体系


Writing Task1 模板不在于多,而在于精 - Bar Chart

雅思写作总共1小时,时间分配是Task1 20mins / give info about / 从抽象到具体+从整体到部分
雅思写作总共1小时,时间分配是Task1 20mins / give info about / 从抽象到具体+从整体到部分
  1. 学术类雅思小作文Task1:通过改写题目写好Introduction段落 - 1. 替换动词 & 句式 2. 概括变具体
  2. Overview - "Overall, On the whole. 1. include comparison 2). 2~3 key features 3. no specific data)"
  3. Details paragraph 1 - specific data to support comparisons
  4. Details paragraph 2 - specific data to support comparisons



  • △ 柱状为王,线表饼以及非数据考题辅助进攻;
  • △ 动态图仍是考试重点,静态图和非数据考题辅助备考
  • △ 考生必须灵活掌握动态图四大句式的变化,掌握动态柱图、饼图、表格转化为线图的方式,随后按照趋势(上升下降)的总变化情况,对数据进行分类分批的描述;

Line Chart - IELTS Test Training

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Details paragraph 1 [StartPoint -> MidPoint]
  4. Details paragraph 2 [MidPoint -> EndPoint]

L5 - Tell the Story - Best Friend

1. Introduction 2. Overview 3. Details paragraph1 4. Details paragraph2
1. Introduction 2. Overview 3. Details paragraph1 4. Details paragraph2

Who is he/she?
When did you both meet for the first time?
What do you usually do together?
Explain why you consider her as your best friend

L5 - Clothes and Apparel

1. suit 2. pants 3. sweater 4. handbag 5. collar 6. recommend something to me
1. suit 2. pants 3. sweater 4. handbag 5. collar 6. recommend something to me

the clothes looks comfortable / I like swimming, I like to play ball / The weather today is sunny